Do you have difficulty knowing how to make a guy like you - really like you? Is it a struggle to get and keep a man's attention? Are you tired of sitting at home alone, because you just can't face any more rejection? It's tough to play the field these days. You've got a lot of competition out there, and some folks are willing to play dirty. You want to keep your pride and dignity intact, but still get the right guy's attention and start a relationship that works. Before you spend another night alone, take a look at these tips for getting a man's attention. By following this advice, you may really learn how to make a guy like you:
Dress for success.
When you go out on a first date, or to look for one, dress with as much care as if you were going on a job interview. While you won't wear the same type of outfit, you'll want to show as much attention to detail. No chipped polish, oily hair, uneven hem, or scuffed shoes should detract from an overall look that is polished and sophisticated. Be as casual as the occasion calls for, but try to add your own unique touch - a funky piece of costume jewelry, a bright color, a spicy scent. You want to be the girl at whom he takes a second glance. So if you're wondering how to make a guy like you, it's true that it starts with your look. Make yours attractive and memorable.
Turn on the charm.
Flirting has gotten a bad name with many contemporary women. It's not about manipulating a guy or batting your eyelashes helplessly. It's about using the rules of attraction to focus a guy's attention on you. If you practice using good eye contact, a beautiful and slightly knowing smile, and just the gentlest touch to illustrate a conversational point, you are giving a guy an important message with just your body language - that you're interested and available. Saying it with your manner instead of your voice is just a lot more subtle. How to make a guy like you? - sometimes it's just about turning on a bit of feminine charm.
Don't play games - much.
One dating rule you'll always want to follow - don't jerk a guy around. It isn't nice or fair - or productive in the long run. However, playing a few harmless games in the name of catching his eye - that may fall into the category of "all's fair in love and war." For instance, it's okay to play a little hard to get at first. You don't want a guy to think that you're just sitting around waiting for him to call. And it can be fun to act a bit mysterious. You want to be a surprise package he wants to unwrap - don't tell him what's inside before he even gets a chance to wonder. Playing fair but playing in fun - that's often how to make a guy like you.
Before you can start a relationship, you have to get someone's attention. That's the real secret of how to make a guy like you. So look your best, be your most flirtatiously charming self, and be fair, but a bit of a challenge. Unless he's made of stone, your guy will succumb to a second-- and third-- look.
Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.
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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.
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