A guy that you just met has just confessed that he likes a lot. What are you going to do if you do not feel the same way? How will you say "NO" in a manner that you would not make yourself look mean? How can you let him down without stepping on his ego? Sometimes we find ourselves in love with someone who does not love us back. It is painful, but we need to move on. The issue here is not about moving on, but on how to let a guy down without being mean.
To Let a Guy Down without Being Mean is pretty ironic. The mere fact that you are refusing him is going to break his heart. But there is way to do it in a way that would only cause minimal damage. There are two circumstances that we need to consider.
For Guys You that Don't Know
Be a snob
When you at a party or having fun at a club with your friends and suddenly he walks towards you,to let a guy down without being mean, just turn you back at him and pretend that you did not see him coming. It is safer if you would also walk away. Walk towards your friends or if you are already with them, quickly tell them to move to the other side of the room.
When you are out on the street, just keep walking when a guy calls out to you. If he still tries to talk to you even after you have just ignored him, then just respond with a word or two and move on. If he's still persistent just tell him that you're in a hurry and walk faster to make it look like you're really in a hurry and not like you're scared of him.
Say "NO" all the time
To let a guy down without being mean is to simply say no with a smile. If you have done everything that you could to make him stop trying to pursue you, then just say no to every single thing that he would suggest. He may give you a look that would make you feel guilty hoping that you would just say yes. If he does this, just keep saying "NO". If he is still persistent and refuses to understand the word "no", do not change your mind.
For Guys that You Know
Wear clothes like it is cold
To let a guy down without being mean is to not get him attracted to you even more. The simplest way to do this is to wear more clothes. Do not attract him more with your miniskirts and tube tops.
Go inside your personal bubble
To let a guy down without being mean, make sure that you are not standing too close to him. Do not sit beside him and make sure that there are other people with you when he's around. If he attempts to sit beside you when you are with him just simply stand up and pretend that you had to go to the ladies' room and make sure that you sit far from him when you get back.
Bottom line, don't let a guy make you feel bad for turning him down because he might use that against you. To let a guy down without being mean is tough but you have to be firm and make him understand that you really mean "no" when you say so.
Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.
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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_L._Jones

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