Gone are the days when being unfaithful was blamed on men. We now hear stories of more and more women who cheat on their partners. Some women claim to do it to get even, others cheat on their partners because they find being with another man more enjoyable than being with their partner. But like most relationships that turn sour, infidelity affects both men and women. Women are not immune from being unfaithful. Like in all cases, a cheating partner is often caused by a relationship that has lost its passion and intimacy compared to its past.
The Consequences of Cheating
Most people who are seeing other people behind their partner's back are aware of the ethical aspects of their actions. Most of the time, they don't have the courage to come clean with their partner and admit that there is something wrong with their present relationship.
Coming Clean
If ever you are one of the women who cheat on their partners, there are certain issues you have to face in order to solve this problem. Admit to yourself that a relationship that is kept from other people is on the road to disaster. No matter how strong you feel about the person you are fooling around with, there is no way you can get away with it. It is bound to come out in the open.
Before this happens, you have to ask yourself why you are doing this. Is it to get even with your partner who has also had some unfaithful relationships in the past? Do you feel happier in the presence of another man?
Letting Your Partner Know
There is no way of admitting being unfaithful to your partner in a way they won't be hurt. The best thing to do is be honest and try to go straight to the point. When you do admit having an affair, don't blame your partner of not being there for you and abandoning you. Tell them that you feel the relationship isn't going anywhere and it would be unfair to him if you kept going on with that relationship.
Choosing Sides
In the case of being torn between two lovers, you should ask yourself who is it you really want to be with. In would be unfair to the other guy, especially the one who isn't in the know. Weigh the factors of why you love being with that person.
You may find being with your secret lover as a way to augment the things your lover doesn't have, but not everyone is perfect. You may be infatuated with the other person you are with, but this may also wear off as time goes by.
The important thing to know is take the side of the person you feel most passionate about. Forcing yourself into a relationship is unfair to you and to your partner. On the other hand, being passionate about something also wears off as time goes by.
What you felt about a person a few months ago might not be the same a year after. It is always better to balance emotions and logic, that means feeling passionate about someone, but also knowing that this person will stick by your side no matter what.
Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.
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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_L._Jones

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