Do you find that your first dates don't often lead to second or third dates, and wonder how to keep a man interested? Are you afraid that you'll never have a long-term relationship? Do you wonder if you'll ever learn the right techniques for successful dating? Catching a guy's eye is one thing, but holding his attention is another. If you find that your relationships are ending before they even get started, it may be time to do some constructive self-diagnosis of your dating habits and behavior. Before your next date, ask yourself the following:
Are you picking the right guy?
Sometimes when a relationship flounders, it's not because of anything specific that either of you has done wrong. You just may not be compatible. We often confuse attraction with compatibility, but they're two different sides of the coin. You may be attracted to a guy but have absolutely nothing in common with him. That makes it difficult to build a foundation for your relationship. All the chemistry in the world is not going to make up for a basic lack of anything in common.
Or the reverse may be true: you may have been paired up with a guy - perhaps by a well-meaning friend, because you have so much in common. But when you get together, there's just no spark. You don't want to be dating your brother - so chemistry is important. Before you even plan for a second date, always ask yourself if you feel a good balance of both attraction and comfort. If not, the equation may not make for success. Knowing how to keep a man interested is sometimes a matter of picking the right guy to begin with.
Are you moving too fast?
Probably the dating behaviors that spook a guy most are those that make you appear pushy or desperate. Slow down and enjoy the early stages of a relationship. Stop thinking about how you're going to snare this guy as if he were a big-game trophy. Now is the stage to even play a little hard to get. Let him approach you, but be prepared to meet him halfway. Guys enjoy the pursuit of a new relationship, so give him room to try out his moves! Knowing how to keep a man interested is also a matter of taking things nice and slow.
Are you sending mixed signals?
It's great to flirt and play a little when you're dating, but make sure you're not sending out mixed signals. For example, playing hard to get is one thing, but acting as though you like a guy one minute, only to ignore him the next - not cool. Or taking flirtation to the level of overt sexual teasing will backfire if you really want to take things slow in that department. Flirtation is healthy when it's used to attract a man's attention. But make sure you're not playing head games or jerking a guy around emotionally in the process. Know what you want, and let the signals you send be compatible with your underlying message. Knowing how to keep a man interested is definitely a matter of sending the right signals.
So before you despair of ever making a relationship work, ask yourself these questions next time you meet a guy and start to date. No one has 100% success in the dating field, but by doing some healthy self-diagnosis, you'll soon be able to demonstrate that you know how to keep a man interested after the first date and beyond.
Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.
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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.
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