Saturday, January 22, 2011

What to Do When You See Signs your Marriage is Over

I had an elderly couple who lived next door to me. They had just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary when they discovered that the husband had serious depression. He began taking medication, and his personality started to change. His wife told me, "He's being so loving these days. If only we had learned this earlier, then life all these years could have been a whole lot different." As you can see from this example, sometimes it just takes a little more information to make a marriage right again. There's no time like the present to try, because any spouse today wouldn't put up with what women did back then, and they would consider the problems to be signs your marriage is over.

It doesn't seem to take a whole lot these days for people to start thinking about divorce. Very few people any more would be willing to put in 60 years in an unhappy marriage. In fact, signs your marriage is coming to a close only need to be small things. Just look at the celebrities. They marry and divorce with regularity. It's almost like they just do it for the publicity. It just isn't possible for people to fall in and out of love so quickly, not if they were really committed to the relationship in the beginning. The fact that a lot of people mistake lust for real love can contribute to the high rate of divorce.

Whatever the reasons are that your marriage is on the rocks, there is help if you want it. When your relationship starts showing signs that it's over, there are techniques you can learn that can help you put it back on the road to recovery. Divorce is a very radical and stressful way to end a relationship, and by learning some strategies designed to show you how to recreate the love the two of you had in the beginning, all is not lost. A marriage coach is prepared to teach you these methods that you probably have never heard about. Imagine eliminating all the negative feelings and replacing them with positive emotions.

A marriage coach can give you personal proof that his own methods really do work, and if they worked for him, there's no reason they can't work for you. Treat yourself to a free half hour consultation to see what he has to offer.

Get 8 hours of live marriage coaching and proven marriage advice that really works at: signs a marriage is over or here: is my marriage over.

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