Thursday, January 20, 2011

Save This Marriage - I Don't Want Anyone Else !

A marriage break-up could be devastating to everyone involved. Not only to just the couple, but everyone close, like friends, family and children. Ending a marriage will bring out a wide range of emotion, from anger and frustration, to sadness and depression. For some it will be a feeling of loss of self-esteem, and self-worth. They wonder what they could have done to save what they built. If you are married or in a relationship and are experiencing difficulties, then read on. This article will talk about tips to help save this marriage.

When you are married, or are even just living with another person for that matter, conflicts and problems will arise sooner or later.
Conflicts in everyday life are expected, but problems within your marriage or relationship could be one of the hardest issues you may ever have to experience. It could be really tough for some couples to try to save their marriage by themselves, but with the right support it could make the task a whole lot easier.

Today, many couples have become too accepting of divorce and often jump to that conclusion too quickly in times of conflict, deciding on that course of action without ever having tried to talk or work things out first, just throw in the towel and quit. To avoid this sad reality, do what you can to help save your marriage before it ever starts to break. Communicate, but don't nag. Nagging your partner is irritating and doesn't result in a positive change, but instead could fuel anger and frustration, and even be hurtful. You also need to listen. Listen to what your partner is communicating to you, and try to see their side.

The love that we experience during the beginning of a relationship is strong and seems to be perfect, wonderful and new. Over time the newness wears off and it doesn't seem to be that perfect anymore. Everyday stress of life from going to work and coming home tired, and not engaging with the other can cause problems. Some other problems involve money, or the lack of it. One spends more than the other or one wants to save and the other doesn't. Household chores that need to be done from who does the laundry and dishes to taking out the garbage and mowing the grass. It's all give and take. It takes two to make it, but only one to break it. In this day and age, with the economy the way it is, it usually takes two people making money just to keep your head above water. That alone is enough to cause stress in a relationship. Each has to work with the other and compromise to get the marriage to work. It's like the saying "to pull your own weight". Couples experiencing these problems need to get back to where they were in the beginning. How to do that now becomes the problem.

Marriage counseling is one solution to help this problem. Going and talking with a professional could be an advantage. Having a 3rd party analyzes a couple's conflict from a different perspective, and then give advice, would be beneficial. Depending upon what that professional charges per hour might be a problem for those who do struggle with the money problem, and they may not be able to afford to go to a counselor. Some may want to go to their priest or pastor to discuss their problems, but one of the two in the marriage may be reluctant to go to either. Some don't want to "air their dirty laundry". Getting real professional advice is the key.

There are also plenty of self-help books to read about solving marital problems. Finding a good one is probably why you are reading this article right now. Needing someone to give you the best advise possible is what you need right away. The internet is a good place to start, if you truly can find the information you need. Getting into an internet forum and talking with others with the same problem could be helpful, but usually you only hear about one side of the story. One person blames the other for their difficulties. "If you wouldn't have done this, then I wouldn't have done that." Some blame their self and ask, "Am I the cause of all of this?", and the answer is probably not, totally. It's like being on a teeter todder, trying to find the perfect balance.

Well, we've laid out a lot of problems, and a few solutions. Every solution has its pro's and con's. What is needed to save this marriage is affordable professional advice. Someone to tell you exactly what you need to do.

We have posted articles dealing with relationship problems at Save-This Marriage. This is a new site set up to help all of you out there who are having problems with their current relationship or marriage. Discover proven methods to save your marriage, even if it seems you are the only one who wants to work on it!

View the original article here

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