Sunday, January 23, 2011

How to Overcome Your Nerves as the Wedding MC

If you are asked to be the Master of Ceremonies at a wedding, regard as it an honor since the bride and groom trust you enough with the important role. Still, if you are not comfortable speaking before people, you can expect some nervousness on your part. Also a very large wedding reception might intimidate you, however this is often better because you do not have to speak quite as much when there are other people who are going to stand up and say a few words.

One of the best ways to conquer your nerves as the Wedding MC is to be prepared. You must know what the bride and groom expect of you and after that you can prepare accordingly. If you are prepared well then you will be less nervous, but you can expect to be very nervous if you try preparing the night before for the big day. So, get the whole thing organized and neatly written down that you need to do as the MC. One of the bad things you can do as the MC is to drink at the reception to quiet your nerves. This may do more harm than good because when you are nervous, alcohol will hit your system harder and then you might end up making a fool out of yourself. Hence, stay away from all alcohol on the day of the reception.

If you have been asked to give a speech and the day is approaching, write the speech out and then practice it in front of the mirror and before some friends or family members. If you rehearse more then you will be less nervous while delivering the speech. You should choose the clothes well in advance to wear as the MC, you would like to wear something that will make you feel confident and look beautiful (woman) or handsome (man) for the big day. Obviously, if you do not feel comfortable or confident in the clothes you are wearing, you will have a difficult time delivering your speech or carrying out your other Wedding MC duties.

Also, before the reception get your hair cut or styled in order that you look and feel confident as believe it or not, this will actually help calm your nerves. Your nervousness begins to melt away when you know you are presenting the best you that you can. Besides, you perhaps know the majority of the people at the reception, so you are among friends and family. When you have prepared your speech and yourself for the big day, there is nothing to be afraid of or nervous about.

Lastly, make sure you mention in your speech that you are truly honored to have been asked to be the Wedding MC because that will mean a lot to the bride and groom. The time you take to practice your speaking duties as the MC before the occasion will help you when the day appears in order that you can truly deliver a genuine speech with a strong voice and certain calmness about yourself.

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