I'm Still In Love My Ex Isn't - Rekindling Love When It seems Unlikely
You may find yourself in a position where you can say"I'm still in love my ex is not interested ", which is a difficult situation, but unfortunately not an uncommon one. Firstly, you can not know for sure if your ex is or is not in love with you until you ask him/her.
Your ex may even have said that she doesn't love you anymore, and while this is possible, it is also possible that she's just saying that. She may still have feelings for you.
Many couples who still hold a candle for each other will have break ups, despite their strong feelings for each other.So you can say"I'm still in love, my ex is not". But you cannot really know this for sure.
If you can really say, "I'm still in love my ex is not," then there is a good chance that your ex may still love you too. It does not mean that getting back together quickly is a good idea, but the fact that you have feelings for each other is a good thing, and that means that eventually the relationship may be possible of being rekindled.
The first thing you need to consider is that you actually did break up for some reason. Even if you had no interest in breaking up, if your ex wanted it, then there was something wrong with the relationship.This must be addressed and fixed in order for the relationship to stand a chance. This is not always easy but it is unfortunately quite necessary if you want to give your relationship a chance.
So even at the point where you can say"I'm still in love my ex is too', it does not mean it is exactly the right time to rekindle things, because you have to do something to find out the real cause of the breakup first. Although the mutual split was a mistake, you can't just automatically make things work.
You may find yourself saying"I'm still in love my ex would would want to get back together as well," but that really does not mean it's time to just jump back into things. You must go to the bottom of why the break up occurred so that you can prevent these things to happen when the relationship is finally revived.
The more you work on trying to understand what happened and why, the better you get when you try to make the relationship work again in the future. It really is that simple. It is important for you to understand this concept if you want the relationship to work as soon as you rekindle it.
Don't mess up things worse by refusing to deal with what happened to cause the separation in the first place. If you do not address past problems, then your relationship will be doomed to repeat them.
More Information On Rekindling Love
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