3 Things Women Like
1- First and foremost honest. It is important for a man to always be honest. Be honest about your whereabouts, be honest (not always up front about your past, and be honest in what you tell her about yourself. Everything you say to the woman will build her trust in you. When she begins to find that you have been dishonest then she will begin to mistrust her. There is no reason not to be honest. Keep the relationship solid and one that she is secure in. It will make for a much happier relationship.
2- Be attentive. A woman likes a man that is attentive. Whether it is simply opening the door of the car or pulling out the chair for her. Being attentive is definitely on the top of the list for women. Make sure that you give her that extra special boost through a nice compliment and that you listen to her when she is speaking and go the extra yard to find out what is bothering her.
3- Romance. There is no doubt that some of the best relationships are built on romance. Be romantic and this doesn't just mean wine and dine her but be gentle and show affection as well. Simple gestures such as looking deep in her eyes, sending her flowers and walking with your hand around her are all sure ways to keep the romance going.
While dating may be a constant guessing at times, be sure to be a man that a woman would want. Avoid arrogance and self centeredness. These are both definite turn offs. Be considerate, kind and caring and let her know that she truly does have someone that she is important to.
Charles B. King is passionate about guitars, golf and women. And he loves all three! A personal life coach who lives in Phoenix, Arizona, he spends his free time blogging about relationships and provides dating advice for men. He's not a dating coach, but he's happily married and is popular with women, and wants to share his success. If you want a Free eBook on how to attract women, check out his blog at GetGirlfriendSystem.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charles_B._King
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